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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bach Flower Essences for Children

We can get pretty caught up in our fast-paced, multi-tasked adult lives. We accept the concept of stress, perhaps even expect and embrace it a bit. We understand that part of that stress means a host of emotions and issues that can sometimes become overwhelming.

We don't always consider that children may share that overwhelming level of emotions. In my opinion, we sometimes trivialize the emotions of children, thinking they should just "buck up", "get over it", "wait until you have real problems". Perhaps we believe that, because that's what we heard as children. So that brings to mind the saying I heard a lot as a kid, "Just because every one's doing it, doesn't make it right".  Maybe it's time to reconsider the lives of our children and acknowledge their emotions as part of their overall well-being.

Children bring change to the world. The shift of consciousness, power structures, and belief systems is in no small part due to the new generation. Many people believe that Indigo Children, Crystal Children, and others, come into this world with advanced ways of thinking, being, and feeling, that help to raise our levels of understanding. I think anyone that hasn't felt their core values challenged and shift with the experience of parenting, or exposure to children, has missed part of the process. Children know things we have forgotten. They feel things we are hardened to. They see things we have become blind to.

For some, if not most, children, being a more open person in a world of closed adults is perhaps a challenging, but still pleasurable, experience. I believe children feel our loving intentions even when we are a little "off the mark" in our expression and understand the value of "lessons learned" to adapt to the physical world we exist in. But that isn't always easy.

Children of all ages experience the same range and intensity of emotions that adults do. Sometimes, just like adults, their systems become out of balance and they experience the negative aspects of emotions; anger, fear, anxiety, overwhelmed, guilt, loss of control, etc. etc.  I (and Dr. Bach agrees with me on this) don't believe there are "kid emotions" and "adult emotions" we all experience the same range. It's just that the situation that causes the emotion may be different, and therefore, sometimes hard to understand.

The good news is that Bach Flower essences work the same for children as they do for adults.  You don't have to learn another set of definitions, figure out different dosages, or do anything differently. One of the differences is that children often respond quicker to the essences that adults do. That may in part be because children have had less time to "pile on the layers of the onion" when it comes to emotions, so what you see expressed is pretty close to their core.

Some people believe you have to experience the negative side of life, and go through tough emotions to build up a layer of resistance I guess, or adapt to the world.  This is the "buck up and deal with it" approach. I don't judge any one's parenting skills.  If I come out of the experience intact myself, I still won't judge any one's approach! I think parents and children are individuals and that approach may be right for some. But, if you don't buy into that approach, you might want to consider Bach Flower essences for times when the going seems tough for your child.  Bach flowers won't prevent them from experiencing emotions or from learning the lessons of life.  But the essences may help balance the the swings and ease transitions.

Like adults, children don't become "addicted" to the essences.  They don't experience side effects or allergies to them,  and the essences won't negatively interfere with other medications or treatments. In other words, "They can't hurt and they might help!"

Judy Howard has written a good guide for choosing Bach Flower essences for children, called Growing Up With Bach Flower Remedies. She discusses the challenges faced by everyone as you move through birth to adulthood. She  includes the birth process itself and infant concerns like colic,sleeping, and  teething. She includes information from potty training to puberty and includes, physical and social concerns. Howard even includes a chapter on special needs. This book is an excellent read, and a great reference for any parent. You can purchase it directly from the Bach Center at or through most books stores.

Howards' book will give you a good place to start if you feel your child can benefit from Bach. It can be difficult to diagnose your own child, particularly when you are caught to some degree in the cycle, and therefore don't see things objectively, or from a detached point of view. It might be helpful to enlist an outside opinion- lend the book  to a friend, or talk it out with someone you trust that is detached from the child. Most clients I see that request Bach for their children end up taking Bach themselves. The same thing happens for people that request Bach for their pets by the way! The parent-child relationship is complicated and interwoven and that's the type of thing Bach Flower essences can really help with. If you need help sorting it out, visit my website and sign up for a consultation.

Perelandra essences are also very helpful for children and can make a big difference for physical and emotional issues. Just like adults, children have electrical systems that can sometimes get "out of whack" and they respond well to the adjustments that Perelandra essences can achieve. Perelandra has a specific protocol for the birthing process  that would be valuable for any new parent and child.  For more information check out the Perelandra website 

Children are magical creatures and should be respected as such. Perhaps that's why the magic and subtle nature of Bach Flower essences is such a good match.

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