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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Allowing Flexability: Rock Water Bach Flower

Time management has probably been around for as long as we've kept track of time. It's been a part of science since at least the 1920's when Ghant charts were first introduced, followed by PERT charts and Critical Paths. These are all methods for managing projects, observing outcomes and measuring productivity. Around the late 1980's, the principles of time management started to become mainstream, when Anthony Robbins, Stephen Covey, and a host of others, introduced the concepts as ways to organize our lives, and become more effective and successful.

In the mid 1990's, I was teaching Time Management as core curriculum for paramedic students. A big part of the strategy was to create "to do lists". These adult learners were often juggling stressful jobs and intensive studies. A lot of them were also new parents or newly married. Most of them were trying to balance active social lives as well! So the lists were extensive, but the theory was to give each chunk of your life a selected box, and write it all down, so it could be "managed" in an organized way. It was a method to avoid being surprised by a big project's due date, and prevent last minute studing for exams by giving yourself time each day to set and focus on priorities.

In the past few years, people have been encouraged to add more things to the "to do list". Counsellors, motivational speakers, and often corporations, encourage creating time slots for exercising, eating healthy meals, spending "quality" family time, and even meditating. I'm not sure that meditating is meant to be "scheduled in", but for many people, hobbies and habbits have become tasks to be accomplished.

I was a big fan of time management. I used to love those lists and had them way before they were popular. I think it was a natural way for me to organize a quite scattered mind! I also have a lousy memory, so there was a good chance if it wasn't written down on one or another of my lists, it wouldn't get done. I have even been known to add an item to my list after the task was completed, just so I could make a check mark beside it and admire my accomplishments.

I still make lists on occasion, but now I call them "to consider lists". I've cut myself a lot of slack. I don't think I get less done. I might actually get more done because I don't spend the time making the lists in the first place, or checking things off! I try not to juggle. I'm just not that coordinated and I realize that now. I try to be present in the momemnt instead of refering to a list to see what I'm supposed to be accomplishing. I try to "go with the flow" more than "follow the list".

If you find yourself driven, stressed, or overwhelmed by the "to do list", you might be a candidate for the Bach Flower essence Rock Water. It's interesting to note that Rock Water is the only Bach Flower essence in the series that is not derived from a plant source. It is taken from water in a particular spring that is considered to have healing properties. Perhaps it is because of the connection with flowing water, rather than a rooted plant, that enables it to encourage "going with the flow". Rock Water is indicated for people who have set very high standards and may be self-denying. If you find yourself rigidly sticking to your list, your diet, your exercise program, your routine, even your spiritual discipline, to the point that you are never satisfied with your achievements, Rock Water may be helpful. The positive nature of Rock Water is a return to flexibility. When balanced, Rock Water types still hold high ideals but they allow for change, and a sense of spontaneity- a chance to "smell the roses".

If your "To Do list" has become overpowering and something a bit bigger than life inself, I encourage you to make a "To Consider List". Physically change that heading from "Do" to "Consider" so that you are reminded of your flexible side. On the first line of your "To Consider List", write: take 4 drops of Rock Water 4 times a day. After a week of making your "To Consider List", try going a day without making a list at all. Don't cheat and revert to your weekly list- let go of the lists. See how you feel. I dare you!!

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