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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Itchy Eyes; Pink Eye & Alternative Healing Treatments

If today's picture has you rubbing your eyes and blinking- you're not alone; but Stop It!! One of the most common routes for contacting virus' and bacteria is by touching your face and eyes with your hands. Most people do it unconsciously. You probably find you do it more often when you are tired, and feeling run down- when there is an even greater chance that your immune system is a bit compromised, and easier for a viral or bacterial infection to take hold.

If you're a parent of a school-age child, or ever have been, you most likely remember your child coming home with that dreaded note that said "Pink Eye is in Our School". For some reason, in my experience, this note often seemed to come on brightly colored paper. I always wondered about that. I guess it makes it seem more alarming, and you pay more attention to that than you do to the standard white notices.

Pink Eye is otherwise known as conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is swelling, inflammation, or infection of the membrane that lines the eyelids. The membrane is called the conjunctiva. Conjunctivitis can occur for many reasons including exposure to irritants, wearing contact lenses, allergies, and bacterial invasion. Pink Eye refers specifically to infection caused by a virus. All viral infections are contagious and Pink Eye most certainly is.

Anyone with pink eye can tell you that one of the primary symptoms is itchiness- constant and uncontrollable irritation that makes you crazy. The more you rub the eyes the worse it is likely to get, but that information never stops anyone from rubbing! Because of the body's attempt to deal with the virus, an inflammation process is established and fluids and discharge increase in an effort to rid the area of the virus. This excess fluid meets with a young child's rubbing hands and then their pencil, crayon, the desk, their lunch, then the child beside them touches the same object. A few minute later, child number 2 rubs their eyes, perhaps in response to the rubbing or itchy look of the eyes of child number 1, and the virus is coming home to you.

Besides the itching, other signs and symptoms of Pink Eye include; crusting that forms on the eyelid overnight, eye pain, gritty feeling in the eyes,increased production of tears, redness in the eye, sensitivity to light, and, less commonly, blurred vision.

Pink Eye often resolves itself and doesn't always require treatment. Conventional treatment may include eye drops. These usually contain an antibiotic. Antibiotics won't help with the virus that is causing the pink eye in the first place, but the theory is that the antibiotic will prevent bacteria normally present, from taking over when you are compromised by the virus, setting up a bacterial conjunctivitis as well. No doubt the liquid of the drops provides some relief and the medical response provides parent relief, and assures the school that you are a concerned parent, active in their child's welfare. Hmmm...

There are alternative approaches to Pink Eye. You can greatly soothe the discomfort by applying warm compresses to the closed eyes. You can soak a washcloth or small towel in warm water with Epsom or sea salt for extra relief. This is particularly helpful before bed and first thing in the morning to soothe and release the crusted eyes.

A few drops of colloidal silver placed in the eyes can produce amazing results. You can purchase colloidal silver in most health food stores. If it comes in a large bottle, purchase an eye dropper as well. Hold the eyelid open and drop the silver directly into the eye. You can tilt the child's head to the side so that any excess fluid runs to the side of their face. The technique takes some practice and a lot of faith and trust on the child's part, so be patient and don't give up if you don't get much in the first time. The silver won't sting. It may immediately feel rather warm but this sensation is typically replaced with soothing relief and in my experience, the child will likely come back asking for more drops a few hours later. You can flush with silver as often as you choose. Four times a day at a minimum is most helpful.You don't need to count or measure drops- just flush the eye with as much as you can before the person has to blink. You can also put silver in the warm compress application.

There are homeopathic remedies that can help treat pink eye as well. Some of the more common ones include Pulstilla, Sulphur, Rhus Toxicodenron, and Argentum Niticum. They may not be necessary if you try colloidal silver first.

In order to prevent the spread of the virus that causes Pink Eye, you do have to follow some preventative measures. These include changing pillow cases frequently, don't share towels or washcloths, and never share eye cosmetics.

The most obvious preventative measure, but perhaps the hardest, is to keep your hands away from your eyes and wash your hands frequently. Not only will this prevent you from contracting Pink Eye, it will also help protect you from any virus, including those that cause common (and not so common) colds.

Pink Eye is not just something that occurs in children. It can occur in adults and pets as well. One of the nice things about most alternative treatments is the same things that work for children, also work for adults and pets. You don't need a separate medicine cabinet for everyone in your family. Doses and applications are typically the same as well. Colloidal silver can be used for one and all. Colloidal silver can also be taken internally for added protection against infection.

So, stop rubbing your eyes. Relief can be an eye dropper away. Stock up on some colloidal silver and don't' be afraid of colorful paper notes coming home anymore!They might just be announcing a field trip!

For more information on colloidal silver and homeopathic remedies, visit my website at . You can also contact me directly through my site.

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